
Showing posts from December, 2022

Toqi Sarafon

  Welcome to my blog!!! Today is the seventh destination of practice with our groupmates. Our next journey is to Toqi Sarrafon. Are you ready to learn new information about our motherland??? Let's go !!!!        The Toki-Sarrafon is one of Bukhara’s four remained bazaars. This trading dome was used mostly for money exchange during the era of the Silk Road. Indian shop owners frequently exchanged money inside this bazaar. The site is no longer a money exchange center, but it now has lots of great shops where you can pick up interesting souvenirs. Toki Sarrophon ( Pers. - money changers ' tower ) is an architectural monument in Bukhara ( 16th century ), the main trading center for money exchange. At the intersection of 2 streets of Shahristan , st. Shops of sarros were built on the Shahrud stream . Toki Sarrophon is the smallest dome . The building is 8-sided ( size 25x24 m), the inner diameter of the dome is 12 m, the outer dome (bal. 16.55 m) is placed on 4 towers, in the south

Toqi Zargaron

Hi,hi,hi.What's up?😉   Today is Wednesday, the eighth day of our practice session. We have visited to Toqi Zargaron. The Tak-i Zargaron is a multiple dome-covered market located at the intersection of the primary east-west and north-south streets of Bukhara's center city (Shahristan). The largest and best preserved of Bukhara's once numerous crossroad markets (chorsu), its name translates to "The Dome of Jewelers or Goldsmiths", which conflicts with its traditional function as a textile market. Although no single patron or inaugural date is recorded, passages in Arab historian Zain- ud Din Wofisi's (1485-1551) 'Badaye' al-Vaqaye' suggest an early sixteenth century date under Timurid instead of the popularly believed Shaybanid patronage. Domed crossroad markets were popularly called "Taks" (arch) referring to their characteristic vaulted shell structures. The pivotal role of "tak"s in sustaining Bukhara's eminence among Silk

Tirki Jandiy

  Our next destination is the complex  of Tirki Jandiy. With our teacher Dilnoza Ilhomovna and two groups , we have visited to the memorial complex on Monday. This unrestored mausoleum lies just south of the city's main tourist zone, on the east side of Nomozgokh Street which leads eventually to the Namazgah Mosque. The exact age of the structure is uncertain, but Badr and Tupev note that unpublished excavation reports from 1971-72 suggest the current edifice was constructed in the mid-16th century, with evidence of three other building periods, two earlier and one later. From an architectural perspective the building's prominent dome set upon a tall drum is indicative of Timurid-era architecture and recalls the Mir-i-Arab Madrassa (likely a contemporary structure) and the far earlier Gur-e-Amir Mausoleum in Samarkand (c. 1403-04). The interior of the mausoleum is unfortunately off-limits to visitors due to its poor structural condition—the main dome is cracked and may be in da

Sayyid Bandikusho

  Sayyid Bandikusho mosque   It is time to learn about Sayyid Bandikusho   Today we visited Sayyid Bandikusho mosque and learned important information about this place as well as Sayyid Bandikusho himself.  Here I want to share information with you about Sayyid Bandikusho . "Said po Bandi Kusho" mosque The "Said po Bandi Kusho" mosque located on Khorezm Street in Bukhara was named after Hazrat Said Abulhasan. Hazrat Said Abulhasan po Band died in 395 Hijri (1004 AD). The genealogy goes back to Hazrat Imam Hasan (ra) through nine rings. It can be seen that Hazrat Saeed Abulhasan was a scholar, a scholar, scholar of the Shari'ah Tariqat - he was a sheikh of truth.  Hazrat Ja'far Khildi was the leader of Saeed Abulhasan's sect, and Jafar Khildi was the murid of Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi. Hazrat Said Abulhasan is the teacher of the famous Abu Bakr Ishaq Gulabadi.  It is said that Hazrat Said Abulhasan was slandered and imprisoned. The shackles on his hands and

Piridasgir mosque

  Piri-dastgir mosque                              Hello my dears👋👋👋.  Today I am going to share very useful information about Piri-dastgir complex that I have learned from our hand-on classes and I hope you will find it helpful for you. Our next trip was to the Piri-dastgir complex. Actually, I didn't know that there is this kind of place which illustrates outstanding skills of our ancient architects in Bukhara. And I am really delighted that I could visit and know about this place.  Here you can find iinformation about Piri-dastgir complex.  The Piri-dastgir mosque is one of the functioning mosques in Bukhara, where the tombs of Piri-dastgir are also located. The courtyard of the mosque is wide and can accommodate more than a thousand worshipers. The toilet is located to the left of the entrance. The interior of the mosque is also spacious and comfortable. You can pray freely in summer and winter. Of course, the mosque also has a minaret, but it is mostly closed. Piri-dastgir

Toqi Telpakfurushon

 Hi my dears,again its me.Our next trip is in TOQI TELPAKFURUSHON Toqi Telpakfurushon   Welcome to my blog!!! Today we have visited to Toqi Telpakfurushon with our group and our teacher Dilnoza Ilhomovna. Toqi Telpak Furushon (in some sources - Taqi Telpakfurushon) is one of the preserved traditional indoor bazaars of Bukhara. It was built in 1570-1571 under Abdullah Khan II, one of the rulers of the Shaibanid dynasty. It was the Shaibanids who began to make Bukhara an important commercial centre, situated at the crossroads of many caravan routes. The symbol for the achievement of this goal were the trade domes that gathered traders from different parts of the world under their roofs. Telpakfurushon mountain ( Persian Telpakfurushlar mountain) is an architectural monument in Bukhara ( 16a ). Domed building intended for production and sale of headwear . According to the foundation documents , it was built at the intersection of 5 streets connecting from different sides ( 1570-71 ) . The

Boboyi Porado'z

  Boboyi Pnorado'zW mausoleums Welcome to Asal's journey  TRAVEL TO BOBOYI PORADO'Z MAUSOLEUM     Today we went to one of the most famous mausoleums in Bukhara - BOBOYI PORADO'Z MAUSOLEUM.  To be honest, I have never visited this place until today and I am really happy for having a chance to visit this Mausoleum. As other days, today was also amazing and exciting, and we gained important and beneficial information about Boboyi Porado'z mausoleum as well as Boboyi Porado'z himself.  Here I would like to share information about Boboyi Porado'z.           Boboyi Poradoz was born in Bukhara in 842 and died in 925. He lived 83 years. Sources say "Shavqi Baba erdi bilsang, real name is Poradoz". The reason for this is said to be that he lived with the love of God. That's why they called the sharif breed "Boboyi Shavqi".  Also, the Chor Bakrs of Bukhara, namely Abu Bakr Sa'd, Abu Bakr Fazl, Abu Bakr Tarkhan, Abu Bakr Hamid, and the famou

Chor Minor

 Hi,our trip is going on with glandeur places. Chor Minor  ( Char Minar   Uzbek :  Chor minor ), alternatively known as the  Madrasah of Khalif Niyaz-kul , is a historic gatehouse for a now-destroyed madrasa in the historic city of  Bukhara ,  Uzbekistan . It is located in a lane northeast of the  Lyab-i Hauz  complex. It is protected as a cultural heritage monument, and also it is a part of the  World Heritage Site   Historic Centre of Bukhara . [1]  In  Persian , the name of the monument means "four minarets", referring to the building's four towers. Chor Minor

Mag'oki Attor

  Good evening Welcome to my blog😎😎😎 Let's start!!!  Our last destination is Mag'oki Attor memorial complex. We have taken a lot of photos and selfiesas a sweet memory. Magoki-Attori Mosque, Bukhara The Magoki-Attori Mosque in the city's centre is an example of an urban mosque in a residential quarter. The mosque was built on the site of the pre-lslamic Moh temple mentioned above. Excavations have revealed the fact that even under the Samanids there was a six-pier mosque, which apparently was also domed. However, it was rebuilt substantially in the twelfth century; the floor level was upgraded and the main facade received a new design that survives with little damage only. By the sixteenth century, the thickness of cultural layers had increased so much that mosque seemed to sink deep into the soil and its facade was unearthed only as a result of excavations carried out in the 1930s. The facade of the mosque is asymmetrical. To the right it has a portal with a recessed va


  Chor-Bakr Necropolis near Bukhara Five kilometers away to the west from Bukhara, where the fields are separated by rows of mulberry trees, there is one of the most unusual landmarks – the Chor-Bakr Necropolis, also called the city of the dead. The first graves there appeared thousand years ago, when there was a small settlement of dervishes. But the magnificent architectural ensemble, now visited by thousands of pilgrims was not built until the XVI century. In the X century when Bukhara was under the Samanid dynasty, there lived an old family of Djuybar Seyyids (Prophet Muhammad’s descendants), who played an important role in the city’s life. For centuries the Djuybars were buried in this country cemetery. In the year 1560 the Shaybanid Dynasty ruler Abdullakhan II decided to memorialize the noble family, and ordered to build a mosque, madrasah and khanaka there. It was a gift to his teacher, Djuybar Sheikh Muhammad Islam Khoja, who died in 1563. The construction of the complex was c